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3 Juli 2005

  1. Vangelis: 1492 [2] - Conquest of paradise (Warner Music)
  2. Blackmore's night: Beyond the Sunset - The Romantic Collect [3] - Wish you were here (Minstrel Hall Collection)
  3. Foster, Betsy: A Dream Come True [14] - The highlands (Betsy Foster)
  4. Sweens, Guy: Gaya of Wisdom [4] - Temptation of Mara (MG Music)
  5. Kelly, Brian: Pools of Light [4] - Unfolding (Skylight Music)
  6. Kelly, Brian: Pools of Light [11] - Calling for Rain (Skylight Music)
  7. Levi, Eric: Era 2 [5] - Don't U (Philips)
  8. Bragh Adair: The Hunt [4] - Hymn for healing (Brah Adair)
  9. McCarl, Eric: Touch the Sun [6] - Wild west rain (Weaving Libra Records)
  10. 2002: Land of Forever [6] - Dance witrh a princess (Real Music)

10 Juli 2005

  1. Shanti, Oliver and Friends: Best of Circles of Life [4] - Tocar para Sarakali (Sattva Music)
  2. Karunesh: Nirvana Café [1] - Dazzled by the light (Real Music)
  3. O'Hara, Helen: Southern hearts [8] - Celebration (New World Music)
  4. Secret Garden: Earth Song [4] - Always there (Universal Music)
  5. Bragh Adair: Grace in Stone [1] - Cloud of witnesses (Bragh Adair)
  6. Bragh Adair: Grace in Stone [10] - Song of the night (Bragh Adair)
  7. Shanti Shanti: Dreaming in Real Time [11] - Song of compassion (Blue Halo Productions)
  8. Mehdi: Instrumental Heaven - Volume 7 [5] - Flowers of spring (Soothing Music)
  9. Michell, Chris: Dolphin Love [6] - Ave Maria (Oreade)
  10. Jones, Stuart: Eternal Dream [3] - Love's promise (New World Music)

17 Juli 2005

  1. Asha: Chosen by you [2] - Luna Nueva (New World Music)
  2. Asha: Love Songs to Remember [4] - The Gipsy Madonna (New World Music)
  3. Asha: Love Songs to Remember [2] - Soldier of love (New World Music)
  4. Quinn, Asha: Wings of fire [5] - Appassionata (New World Music)
  5. Asher Quinn: Silent Night [13] - Love call (New World Music)
  6. Quinn, Asher: East of East [11] - East of east (Good Hert Records)
  7. Quinn, Asher: East of East [3] - Song of eternity (Good Hert Records)

24 Juli 2005

  1. Incendio: Incendio [7] - Maranga (New World Music)
  2. Cusco: Apurimac II [1] - Montezuma (Prudence)
  3. Karunesh: Colours of light [2] - Sweet dreams (Nightingale Records)
  4. Silvard: Picture of Time [9] - Rainstorm (Ivory Moon Recordings)
  5. Crain, Brian: Spring Symphonies [1] - Symphony no. 1 / Andante Cantabile (Crain Records)
  6. Crain, Brian: Spring Symphonies [3] - Symphony no. 1 / Andagio Con Amore (Crain Records)
  7. Quinn, Asher: East of East [4] - Tomorrow's God (Good Heart Records)
  8. McKennitt, Loreena: The Mask and Mirror [7] - Ce he mise le ulaingt? The two towers (Warner Bros. Records)


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