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4 Januari 2004

  1. Oliver Serano-Alve: 10 Years of succesful creativity [11] - Tocar Para Sarakali (Sattva Music)
  2. Asha: Chosen by you [2] - Luna Nueva (New World Music)
  3. Karunesh: Colours of light [1] - Japanese spring (Nightingale Records)
  4. Keiya: Sun Walker [4] - Hello sun hayee (Oreade)
  5. McKennitt, Loreena: The Mask and Mirror [2] - The bonny swans (Warner Bros. Records)
  6. McKennitt, Loreena: The Mask and Mirror [4] - Marrakesh night market (Warner Bros. Records)
  7. Cusco: The Anthology of New Age Music 1 [2] - Solitude (Oibibio Sounds)
  8. Medwyn Goodall: Crystal Collection [10] - Viscacha (Oreade)
  9. Silvard: Touched by the Sea [1] - Anthem of love (The Musical Mollusk)
  10. Enya: Paint the Sky with Stars [1] - Orinoco flow (Warner Music)

11 Januari 2004

  1. Voorbogt, Johnny: Pearls [7] - Happy roads (Johnny Voorbogt Music)
  2. Karunesh: Colours of light [4] - Galadriel (Nightingale Records)
  3. Foster, Betsy: A Dream Come True [1] - Mark's song (Betsy Foster)
  4. McKennitt, Loreena: The Mask and Mirror [3] - The dark night of the soul (Warner Bros. Records)
  5. Hilton, Lisa: Cocktails at Eight [7] - Can you see? (Lisa Hilton Music)
  6. Hilton, Lisa: Cocktails at Eight [15] - I'm on my own (Lisa Hilton Music)
  7. Pia: A Woman's Voice [12] - Shyam (New World Music)
  8. Llewellyn: Sacred Circles [1] - Stardancing (into the light) (New World Music)
  9. Noll, Shaina: Songs for the Inner Child [5] - You can relax now (Singing Heart Productions)
  10. Kitaro: Mizu ni Inori Te [7] - Theme from Silk Road (Domo Records)

18 Januari 2004

  1. Goodall, Medwyn: Rhythm of the Ancients [1] - Trail of vines (New World Music)
  2. O'Hara, Helen: Southern hearts [3] - Southern hearts (New World Music)
  3. Levi, Eric: Era 2 [5] - Don't U (Philips)
  4. Quinn, Asha: Wings of fire [2] - Talitha Cumi (New World Music)
  5. Halpern, Steven: Ocean Suite [1] - Ocean Suite - Part 1 (Inner Peace Music)
  6. Halpern, Steven: Ocean Suite [6] - Waterfall rainbows (Inner Peace Music)
  7. Jean-Pierre Labreche: Oreade New Age Collection 1 [8] - The Path (Oreade)
  8. McCarl, Eric: Seeking the Light [6] - To be a man (Weaving Libra Records)
  9. Michael Ramjoué: Relaxing the World [11] - Seraphims Lied (Mentalis)
  10. Chapman, Philip: Keeper of Dream [1] - Wisdom (New World Music)

25 Januari 2004

  1. Karunesh: Secrets of Life [1] - Call of the Tribes (Nightingale Records)
  2. Seroka, Henri: Atlantis [1] - Atlantis (Oreade)
  3. Shanti, Oliver & Friends: Taichi [9] - Tales from the heart of Chuang Tzu (Sattva Music)
  4. McCarl, Eric: Seeking the Light [2] - Alone (Weaving Libra Records)
  5. Kitaro: Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai - Volume 1 [3] - Shizuku (Domo Records)
  6. Kitaro: Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai - Volume 1 [6] - The wind (Domo Records)
  7. Foster, Betsy: A Dream Come True [8] - Chances (Betsy Foster)
  8. Secret Garden: White Stones [2] - Poéme (Polygram)
  9. Rhodes, Steven: Bliss [1] - The waters of peace ()


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